Post by owlfeather99 on Nov 5, 2013 4:17:04 GMT
In-Game-Name: Owlfeather99
About Me: I am fourteen years old (I would like to think I am mature and responsible) and I am usually easy-going. I am kind and fair to others and I like to help other members as much as I possibly can without abusing my privileges as admin. I am also
serious at times too, when members are not following the rules put in place and I will take action against the offender(s).
Why I Want to be Admin: I would like to be admin because I would enjoy it. Previously when I was admin on another server I thoroughly enjoyed it and got to help out other members and staff quite a bit. I would also like to build more experience and
become more acquainted to being an admin and having that rank.
Wrap-Up: I would greatly appreciate it if you could get to my application whenever possible.
Thanks again,
Post by ButrAstro on Nov 5, 2013 4:30:26 GMT
Thank you Owl, we'll get back too you A.S.A.P. Until then continue to enjoy the server and poop on creepers
Post by owlfeather99 on Nov 5, 2013 4:32:41 GMT
Lol okay Butr sorry about that "about me" section when I separated it, it got screwed up a little.
Post by ButrAstro on Nov 5, 2013 4:34:54 GMT
That's fine, the important part is the fact you used the formatting necessary.